Better nutrition

Taking the mystery out of eating well Here are some basic guidelines for better nutrition… Making healthier life choices can be overwhelming. So where do you start when trying to form better nutrition and food habits? With these basic rules for better nutrition: eat fresh, local and/or organic, non-GMO whole foods and avoid processed and…

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Sleep more for better health

Diet, exercise, or sleep? Sleep! Anyone who has ever set their alarm clock for extra early in an effort to go to the gym before work, only to press snooze a million times, understands perfectly how being overtired can sabotage health goals. Have you ever noticed how hungry you are on days when you didn’t…

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Loving yourself

February is the month of love! I challenge you to show YOURSELF love this Valentine’s Day. Rather than just loving and being loved by others, what if you were to focus on showering yourself with care and attention for the full four weeks?  Valentine’s is just one day, but feeling worthy of love is a practice for…

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Rethink new year resolutions

New Year Resolutions? Nah! Reframe your thinking. I want to challenge the concept of New Year resolutions. How many of them actually get put into action, fulfilled, and then last? Not many, I think. Here are my thoughts as to why… First, winter is a time for hunkering down. Our bodies need more sleep; we…

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Is the dark affecting your mood?

Does the winter holiday season leave you withdrawn instead of full of joy? Is the dark affecting your mood? The darkness of our shortened days could be affecting your mood. Our ancient DNA guides us to slow down through the winter. We are meant to turn inward; a more reflective mood this time of year is part…

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Giving thanks is key to happy holi-daze

Giving thanks

As the holiday season approaches, our stress levels tend to go up. Giving thanks is one of four techniques to feel more joy and less stress. Gratitude If you’re feeling caught up with our consumer-driven culture, catch yourself and take a moment to write in your special gratitude journal (or a scrap piece of paper…

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Constitutional hydrotherapy

Constitutional hydrotherapy is healing warmth from the inside out Did you know hydrotherapy has been used therapeutically since the early 1700’s and continues to be used today because of its extreme, yet gentle, power? Hydrotherapy is “the application of water, in any form, either externally or internally, in the treatment of disease and the maintenance of health.” (Boyle & Saine)…

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How to use food as medicine

Do you know how to use food as medicine for acute illnesses? The healing power of nature is one of naturopathic medicine’s guiding principles. This refers to not only your body’s ability to heal itself but also the earth’s ability to provide resources to guide that healing. Dr. White discusses some every day, easily-accessible, healing…

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Recipe: Creamy broccoli lentil soup

Creamy broccoli soup recipe

This beautiful and tasty creamy broccoli lentil soup is not only easy and healthful but also dairy-free. Saute 1 medium onion till translucent Add and saute until fragrant 3 cloves minced garlic 1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes Add 1 cup dry red lentils* 2 – 3 large heads broccoli, florets and stalks cut into equal…

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How much water should you drink?

The fluids you drink can add or subtract from your health. How much water you should drink per day requires an individual answer for your unique self. But, there are rules of thumb… The Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommends a total water intake of 125 oz. (15.6 cups) for men and 91 oz. (11.4 cups) for women. Because…

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