Narrow mainstream media, medicine worldview

Being open increase flow.

The narrow mainstream media and medicine worldview drains me. I’m tired of hearing so much about “us” against “them” in politics, medicine, finances, social standing, etc. I never quite fall in either extreme category which makes me feel like a leper all around. We are designed as social creatures, so what others think about us…

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Everyday choices DO make a difference!

I attended an AWESOME continuing education conference this past weekend with the topic of viruses and vaccines (current events focused). The speaker was someone that I trust greatly (she was the person who recruited me to teach at NUNM a handful of years ago), Heather Zwickey, PhD (immunologist). The course, as a whole, covered the…

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Is the dark affecting your mood?

Does the winter holiday season leave you withdrawn instead of full of joy? Is the dark affecting your mood? The darkness of our shortened days could be affecting your mood. Our ancient DNA guides us to slow down through the winter. We are meant to turn inward; a more reflective mood this time of year is part…

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Constitutional hydrotherapy

Constitutional hydrotherapy is healing warmth from the inside out Did you know hydrotherapy has been used therapeutically since the early 1700’s and continues to be used today because of its extreme, yet gentle, power? Hydrotherapy is “the application of water, in any form, either externally or internally, in the treatment of disease and the maintenance of health.” (Boyle & Saine)…

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