Food choices for your blood type
Oct 7, 2016
Aspects of your physiology correlate with your blood type.
According to Dr.Peter J. D’Adamo, author of Eat Right 4 Your Type, a diet based on your blood type, research indicates that your blood type is a key genetic factor that influences many areas of health and well-being, as well as how your body reacts to food.
“While you cannot change your blood type, you can use knowledge about its nature to implement a dietary plan biologically suited to your makeup,” says Dr. D’Adamo, who supplies details on eating plans for all four blood types.
Here are some general guidelines (in my mind – not strict, stressful rules) for making food choices with respect to blood type:
Blood Group ‘O’
Many “O” blood type people feel best when their diet emphasizes meat, cold-water fish, and fruits and vegetables. Dairy, wheat, and many beans/ legumes may irritate their system and therefore could be minimized for greater health. The biggest inflammation-causing red flags in these individuals include wheat, corn, kidney beans, navy beans, lentils, peanuts, and potatoes.
Blood group ‘A’
A person of blood type “A” often feels best when emphasizing vegetable proteins (soy, legumes, beans), seafood, cultured dairy, fruits & vegetables, nuts & seeds, and vitamin A foods in their diet, while minimizing animal proteins and fresh dairy. Most common irritants for “A”s include kidney beans, lima beans, cabbage, bananas, and nightshade vegetables: potatoes, eggplant, peppers, and tomatoes.
Blood group ‘B’
These people are the truest omnivores who can emphasize meat and cold-water fish to feel well while minimizing chicken, corn, buckwheat, lentils, peanuts, sesame seeds, and tomatoes.
Blood group ‘AB’
About 4% of the US population falls in this category; yours truly is one of these rarities! Soy, fresh seafood, cold-water fish, cultured dairy, and vitamin A foods often encourage health and vitality, while chicken, some whitefish, corn, buckwheat, lima beans, and kidney beans tend to be their biggest irritants.
How to use blood type in food choices
I advise patients to use their blood type recommendations as guidelines, not strict rules. The more you can eat in this manner, the less irritated and inflamed you could be.